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Towel Service

$12/month per member

Clean towels will be checked out of a vending machine using your scan card and will be recorded when they are returned to the vending machine.        

$10 fee added to  towels not returned within 3 days. 

Coffee Service

$6/month per member

 Steamy hot and freshly brewed regular and decaf coffee.

Kit Locker Rental

$10/month per member


Lockers available in the men's or women's locker room.  

Available to members 18+ as minors are not allowed in Men's & Women's locker rooms. 

Store your workout gear and personal items in a secure kit locker in the locker room.                                   

Locker rooms are only available during operating hours. 


Please stop at Member Services to add on a locker. 

24/7 Access/ Acceso las 24 horas

$10/month per person, or cap of $20/unit. 

Access must be added at Member Services

Access to the Wellness Center, gymnasium, and racquetball/handball courts.  

For members 16 and older who have signed the 24/7 Access waiver and pay for the access.

  • 16 & 17-year old members must have the 24/7 waiver signed by legal parent/guardian and must be accompanied at all times by an adult

All YMCA rules and regulations apply during these unstaffed hours.          

We encourage you to work out with another member that also has 24/7 access, in case of an emergency

Guests are not permitted outside of operating hours. Anyone that violates this policy will be charged $10 per person, per offense.